Top 10 White Perennial Flowers

  1. Achillea – Considered by many growers to be a wildflower, white yarrow blooms each season to offer highly ornamental clusters of small flowers. These white perennial flowers are also known to be resistant to both disease and insect pressure. 
  2. Azalea – White perennials for shade are often much more difficult to find. However, azaleas adapt to these growing conditions quite well. Though typically seen in shades of bright pink and red, white azaleas come in both dwarf and tall types. 
  3. Candytuft – Perennial candytuft is one of many white perennial ground covers used in flower beds and borders. Perennial candytuft also remains evergreen within its growing zone, adding seasonal interest throughout the entire year. 
  4. Clematis – White perennial flowering vines are also an option. White flowering clematis are known to produce immense, crisp white blooms. Many have found success growing this ornamental in containers or pots. 
  5. Echinacea – Often mentioned among other wildflowers, some cultivars of echinacea may be an excellent white perennial for sun. Varieties such as the PowWow White echinacea are prized for their ability to withstand drought, poor soil, and other adverse growing conditions. 
  6. Helleborus – Another perennial for shade, hellebore are often among the very first perennial flowers to begin blooming in late winter or early spring. Elegant blooms look best when arranged in naturalized plantings or as potted specimens. 
  7. Hydrangea – Hydrangeas are a classic white perennial plant. Though bright colors are most popular in the landscape, many paniculata species plants produce an abundance of massive white flower heads. 
  8. Liatris – Also known as “blazing stars,” liatris flowers are available in both lavender-blue and white. These massive flower spikes, which are most frequently grown from bulbs, are exceptionally attractive to bees and other beneficial insects. 
  9. Peony – Once established, peonies will produce white perennial flowers for many years to come. In fact, most varieties of peony can easily thrive without much care for over 50 years. White varieties of peony include Duchesse De Nemours, Bowl of Cream and Ann Cousins.
  10. Shasta Daisies – Another white perennial for sun, Shasta daisies offer growers a more naturalized look within beds. Tall, daisy-like blooms are ideal for use in flower arranging and are attractive to pollinators. Popular varieties of Shasta daisy include Alaska and Crazy Daisy.
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